Thursday, May 9, 2019

Dominic Grieve MP - Special General Meeting Petition

The following Petition was submitted to the Secretary, Executive Council, Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association on 9th May 2019:

Date 8th May 2019                             
To: Chairman, Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association
      Secretary, Executive Council, Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association  
      Disraeli House, 12 Aylesbury End, Beaconsfield, HP9 1LW,

Dear Sirs
                                        Special General Meeting
Under Schedule 7, clause 10.1.2 of the Constitution of the Conservative Party
We the undersigned being members of the Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association petition you to convene a Special General Meeting of members of the Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association in order that the following business shall be conducted:
 “The Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association at its Annual General Meeting on 29th March 2019 did not express full confidence in the Rt. Hon Dominic Grieve MP. We therefore resolve that he should not be the Conservative Parliamentary candidate for the Constituency of Beaconsfield at the next General Election and the Association should immediately start the process of selecting a new candidate.
Name………………………… (signed)…………………………Membership No. …………
Name………………………… (signed)…………………………Membership No. …………

1 comment:

  1. He should be deselected at the next election or before if at all possible. Grieve is not a democrat and is only interested in his
    interests and gain, at the expense of the British people. He is arrogant and nauseating and he must go out of politics! Mad and Bad!
