Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Why are taxpayers paying for lobbyists to lobby the Government?

The following bodies received  funding from the Government or Local Authorities in 2012.   They also lobby the Government!

ActionAid                                                            £4,466,000
Action on Smoking and Health                                £150,000
Alcohol Concern                                                     £209,336
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development         £9,034,000
Christian Aid                                                      £12,240,000
Child Poverty Action Group                                      £90,000
Disability Rights UK                                                £517,965
Family Action                                                     £14,654,000
Fresh North East                                                     £713,000
National Children's Bureau                                   £1,572,118
Oxfam                                                               £23,700,000
Save the Children Fund                                     £54,255,000
Shelter                                                                £2,569,000
Stonewall                                                                 £79,000
War on Want                                                         £162,544

Some of these bodies campaign as political lobbyists.   All spend some of their monies on campaigns or lobbying.   Is this right?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

COPOV Forum 6th September


11am - 2pm Saturday, 6th September 2014
(coffee served from 10.30am)

@ All Saints Church Hall, Oval Way, Gerrards Cross, Bucks. SL9 8PZ


The Conservative Party
Party Organization – Constituency News – Reports.

“Education Policy” by Stephen Parker

Referendum on Scotland’s Independence

Voter Engagement and Turnout
An inquiry by the Political and Constitutional Committee of the House of Commons

Do we need a new “Magna Carta”?

Politics Today – What concerns you most?

The History of Democracy in the United Kingdom
       A short lecture on democracy – the Peterloo massacre.

Any Other Business
1pm Lunch
A ploughman’s lunch will be available free of charge but a donation towards      our costs of hall hire and lunch would be much appreciated.
Directions: Go north through Gerrards Cross on Packhorse Rd, passing Ethorpe Hotel.   Take 1st left into Orchehill Avenue, then 2nd right into Oval Way.   All Saints Church is on your left past Thorpe House School.
Date of next meeting: Saturday November 1st – Forum, Gerrards Cross
All are welcome and do bring a guest

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

More reality on climate change

Climate Change

Watch on YouTube.   Click above.
The second part of Cllr Derek Tipp's lecture to the COPOV Forum of 19th July