The following was sent on 12th March 2025 and was acknowledged. If I get a response I will let you know.
For Attention Conservative Party Chairmen, Nigel Huddleston, Lord Johnson of Lainston, Chairman of the National Convention, Julian Ellacott
Dear Sirs,
In an article published by Conservativehome yesterday the Leader of the Conservative Party, Kemi Badenoch, asked for comments regarding the reform of the Conservative Party. I attach herewith my paper on reform. I would welcome your response and comments.
Yours sincerely
John E. Strafford
Campaign for Conservative Democracy
Seven Steps to create a democratic Conservative
Party, fit for the 21st Century
Party Membership is 131,680 as per the
Leadership election of November 2024.
Approx. 10-15% are activists, i.e., approx. 20,000. To run a national ground campaign in a
General Election you need approx. 500,000 members or 50,000 activists.
The last General Election at which we had
500,000 members was in 1992. In the
last 25 years we have had 25 Party Chairmen who have presided over a declining
membership and done nothing about it.
The last national membership campaign was in 1988.
Per the Feldman Review (2016), 290
Constituency Associations had fewer than 100 members. Only 50 associations have more than 500
members. These figures will now be
considerably smaller!
Research has shown that people join
political parties for social reasons, and in order to participate in decision
making, either by voting on policy or voting for those that make policy.
There is
huge gap between the views of the Parliamentary Party and the Voluntary
Party, e.g., 60% of Tory MPs were in favour of remaining in the European Union,
whereas 70% of members wished to leave the European Union.
Many members feel that as they elect the
Leader they should be the people who decide whether to get rid of the Leader,
not the MPs.
Party members feel that a large part of
the parliamentary party no longer support the traditional Conservative Party
values of small state, low taxation, strong defence, strong law and order,
individual freedom and liberty.
Since the Party Constitution was created
in 1998 it has grown with more and more centralisation and power grabs by
vested interests, both at National Level and at local level. CCHQ, the Parliamentary Party and
Constituency Chairman have taken more power.
An indication of this is that the last amendments to the Constitution in
2021 were passed by the National Convention (which consists primarily of
Constituency Chairmen) with 94-98% agreement, a Stalinist result but
The Constitution of the National Union of
Conservative Associations pre 1998 was 29 pages in length. The Party Constitution when introduced in
1998 was 43 pages in length. Today it
is 58 pages in length an increase of 35%, but this only tells part of the story
for within the Constitution are sub committees which meet in secret and change
the rules whenever they so wish which members have no knowledge about either
before they are implemented or after implementation but with which they have to
comply. Each year the Committee on
Candidates which consists of appointed people unaccountable to the members,
alter the rules by which Parliamentary Candidates and local Government
candidates are selected. The latest
rules on the Selection of Candidates are 55 pages in length. Members have had no say in these rules, but
have to comply with them. The 1922
Committee rules for the election of the Leader are five pages in length. They
are changed without any reference to the members. For example in 2016 only a Proposer and
Seconder were required for an MP to put his name forward as a candidate. In
2019 this changed to eight Nominations required. In 2022 20 nominations were required. In
late 2022 100 nominations required.
It cannot be right that the Constitution
of the Conservative Party can be changed by secret sub committees of the Party
Board and the members of the Party have no say in the changes made.
Finally, Article 17 of the Constitution
gives the power to the Party Board “to do anything which in its opinion
relates to the management and administration of the Party” This makes the rest of the Constitution
irrelevant. This cannot be right and
must be changed. The Board used this
clause to justify imposing parliamentary candidates on constituencies.
1) The Chairman of the Party Board, Two Deputy Chairmen, Treasurer, Chairman of the Candidates Committee and Chairman of the Policy Forum to be officers of the Party on the Party Board, elected by and accountable to Party Members, and to present Annual Reports to an Annual General Meeting to which all Party members are invited.
Accounts of the Party to be adopted at the Annual General Meeting.
The clause in the Party Constitution (Article
17) which gives power to the Party
Board “to do anything which in its opinion relates to the management and
administration of the Party” to be deleted. The Party Board to have a majority of voluntary Party
2) The Party Constitution should be capable of being changed by a motion at the Annual General Meeting of the Party, by Party members on the basis of One Member One Vote with a 60% majority of those voting.
3) Constituency Associations should have the right to determine who their Conservative Parliamentary Candidate is, with minimum interference by CCHQ. This includes both selecting and deselecting candidates and selecting or deselecting their Member of Parliament Any member of the Party should be able to apply to be the candidate. Local candidates i.e., those resident in the Constituency, should be invited for interview by the Executive Council.
Where a Constituency Association passes a
motion of no confidence in their MP in General Meeting they should be able to
immediately start the process of selecting a new parliamentary candidate.
4) The Spring Conference should be a policy conference where Ministers would listen to members ideas on policies in their subject area selected by motions submitted through the Executive Council of local associations.
5) The Party Conference should be controlled by a subcommittee of the Party Board consisting of a majority of voluntary members of the Party. There should be motions for debate and votes taken on those motions.
At present the Rules for the election of the Party Leader are controlled by the 1922 Committee which can and does change them without any reference to Party members. For example in 2016 only a Proposer and Seconder were required for an MP to put his name forward as a candidate. In 2019 this changed to eight Nominations required. In 2022 20 nominations were required. In late 2022 100 nominations required
There are many areas of the Constitution that require reform. For example: Regional Officers should be elected by and accountable to the members of the Region at an Annual General Meeting of the Region to which all members residing in the Region are invited.
The Rules of Local Associations need
reform particularly relating to the suspension of members and the selection of
local government candidates. Should
Executive Councils be based on branches or wards. Is there a conflict between Councillors who
are the local political voice of an Association also being Constituency
Chairmen responsible for the organisation in the Constituency?
Do Federations of Constituencies add
another layer of bureaucracy or should Constituencies be encouraged to share
resources whilst retaining their autonomy?
Objects and values of the Conservative
Party should be included as an appendix to the Constitution. At present they are called for but nowhere
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