Thursday, September 11, 2014

Steps to improve membership

The results of our poll on Steps to improve Conservative Party membership were as follow:

Let members choose candidates                                 66%

Chairman of the Party to be elected by members       50%

Let members drive the Conference Agenda               50%

Say No to State Funding                                            50%

Empower the National Convention                            33%

Hold a Conservative Annual General Meeting           33%

Break up the Coalition Government                           33%

More dialogue between MPs and volunteers              16%


  1. I think you are to late to help the damage is being done even now.
    The only way to improve democracy within the Conservative Party is to Sack all
    Area officers

    1. Interesting point. As far as I can see, in my own area they only have one meeting a year - in order to elect each other. Whether Areas or Regions the officers should be elected by and accountable to all the members.
