Changes to the Conservative Party Constitution
- more grabs for power
Under the present Constitution it states:
“Any nominee for any such office or post referred to in Paragraph
2.2 herein shall have been a Member of the National Convention for not less
than two years.”
It is proposed to change this to:
“Nominees for officers of the National Convention to have been
Convention members for the two preceding years.”
So if you have previously been a member of the Convention for two
years, ceased to be a member and the returned at a later date you would then
have to wait a further two years before you could stand as an officer!
Under the present Constitution it states:
“Any nominee for the office of President shall have been an elected
member of the Board for one year.”
It is proposed to change this to:
“Nominees for President must have been a current member of the
Board at the time of nomination.”
So, if you were a member of the Board for a year, then ceased to be,
you could not stand for President until you had stood as an officer again.
I am always wary when an elite propose a restriction on who can be
a candidate for their position. Is it
because they do not trust the members of the Convention to exercise their own judgement
or is it because they fear that they may be kicked out? Whatever, it is certainly a distortion of
democracy and once more a power grab by the elite!