Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Conservative Clowns Head Quarters! At last a response to a letter written 9 months ago!

On 21st December 2023 I sent the letter shown below to the Leader of the Conservative Party, The Chairman of the 1922 Committee, The Chairman of the Party and the Chairman of the National Convention.  Sir Graham Brady promptly replied. No replies received from Rishi Sunak, Richard Holden or Peter Booth.   I saw Richard Holden and told him I had not received a reply to which he shrugged his shoulders!   I then raised the issue with my constituency MP Joy Morrissey who vigorously pursued the matter.

 Eventually I was told that Rishi Sunak's office had forwarded my letter to CCHQ in February for them to respond to. and had emailed me, an email which I never received!  Still no reply  from CCHQ but Joy Morrissey would not give up and continued to pursue the matter.   On 9th August Joy sent to me a letter which she had received from CCHQ which read as follows:


 As Secretary to the Board and as Secretary to the Constitutional Review Committee which is a sub committee of the Board I have been asked to reply.


The new Officers of the National Convention will be elected in September.


Once they are elected they will be initiating a consultation with the voluntary party on the Party’s constitution.


I will ensure that the views of your constituent are submitted as evidence to the Convention Officers and through them to the Constitutional Review Committee.


I hope that helps your constituent


If you have any queries please let me know.


Very best wishes




Roger Pratt CBE | Secretary to the Board of the Conservative Party

     So 9 months after writing to The Leader of the Conservative Party I at last get a reply, be it through the sterling work of my MP.

    But what is the result?  The Officers of the Convention will meet in September, then they will set up a review of the Party Constitution, then they will consult with the membership, which last time there was a review took a year!

    Do you wonder why we lost the General Election?

    I now understand what CCHQ stands for Conservative Clowns Head Quarters!     

    It reminds me of a herd of circus elephants, continuously going around in circles, their only forward view being each others backsides!

The Original letter:

 Campaign for Conservative Democracy



The Rt. Hon. Rishi Sunak M.P,                                                          21st  December 2023

10 Downing Street,


London SW1A 2AA


 Dear Prime Minister,  

Conservative Objects and Values

The Conservative Party Constitution emphasizes the  objects and values of the Party:




This is the Constitution of a political party which shall be known as “The Conservative and Unionist Party” (referred to in this Constitution as “the Party”).  .

 1          Its purpose is to sustain and promote within the Nation the objects and values of the

Conservative Party. 



The Party is a political Party for the Nation, open to all who share its objects and values and who undertake to be bound by this Constitution.”


Nowhere within the Constitution does it state what the objects and values are!

Many loyal members of our Conservative Party, and perhaps more importantly, the General Public are no longer clear exactly in what the Conservative Party believes.  We feel it is imperative that our Party’s objects and values are clearly outlined so that it will help the Conservative Party win the next General Election.

  It has become apparent during 2023 that many Conservative voters are staying at home and not voting. We believe that a reminder of Conservative objects and values will give our supporters good reason to turn out and vote for Conservative candidates.

 The attached document has been developed with that in mind. The statement is concise and expounds what we believe is the central core of the Conservative Party  It has been seen and endorsed by the Campaign for Conservative Democracy, and we hope that you will approve it and incorporate it within the Party’s Constitution.  A copy is also being sent to Richard Holden MP as Chairman of the Conservative Party,  Peter Booth, Chairman of the National Convention and Sir Graham Brady, Chairman of the 1922 Committee  

 We want the Conservative Party to win the next General Election.   We want the Party’s message to be clear and concise and hope you will agree this document will clarify both for Party members and the general public what are the Party’s objects and values.

 Yours sincerely,


Chairman of the Campaign for Conservative Democracy


c.c. Richard Holden Esq MP;  Peter Booth Esq, and Sir Graham Brady MP

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