Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Conservative Leadership election - MPs or members to decide?


My response to William Atkinson article on Conservativehome

William, my views on the election of the Leader are set out in the link you provided in your article. However I believe in Party democracy and if the members wish to elect the Leader that is their right. That is democracy! So has it been successful?

William Hague elected by the MPs - lost the General Election.

Iain Duncan Smith elected by the members but kicked out by the MPs before he could fight a General Election

Michael Howard elected by the MPs - lost the General Election.

David Cameron elected by the members won the General Election

Theresa May elected by the MPs - lost the General Election

Boris Johnson elected by the members - won the General Election

Liz Truss elected by the members - kicked out by the MPs before she could fight a General Election

Rishi Sunak elected by the MPs - lost a General Election

So what is the score?

Two Leaders elected by the members won a General Election

Four Leaders elected by the MPs lost a General Election

Two Leaders never got a chance to fight a General Election because the MPs kicked them out!

It seems to me the members so far have proved to be right!

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